Surgeons use laparoscopy, a type of surgical technique, to operate on pelvic organs and abdominal region. A laparoscopic surgeon in Kolkata says that it offers a lot of benefits over the traditional open surgery like swift recovery, decreased pain and much lesser scars. Laparoscopy uses only small incisions to get through the skin; this means that there is a reduced risk of infection and minimal blood loss. It also ensures a short hospital stay.

Laparoscopy is also becoming a preferred choice of doctors for treating esophageal cancer. Minimally invasive esophagectomy is a common treatment these days due to its advantages over the old-fashioned methods of open surgery. This surgery removes esophagus, the tube which brings down the food from the throat to the stomach. Then, it is replaced by a part of the stomach or the intestine using minimal invasion techniques.

Advantages of this surgery

The best laparoscopic surgeon in Kolkata has stated some of the reasons why it is turning out to be the suitable approach:

  1. Limits surgical trauma – Since there are only a few cuts, the patient has reduced postoperative pain and wounds.

  2. Reduces respiratory complications – There is a minimum risk of infection and development of blood clots.

  3. Furthers functional recovery – The patient can return to his/ her normal routine within a few days of the surgery and can resume the daily activities in no time.

  4. Safe and effective – Many surgeons consider this to be a safer procedure for treating esophageal conditions because of minimal incisions in the skin and as a result, less bleeding.

  5. Improved quality of life – The procedure helps you to get back to a cancer-free life. It changes your entire outlook on life and in a way, assists you to restart with healthier options and practices.

Preparations for this surgery

  1. It is first important to find out whether you are a suitable candidate for this surgery or not. There are various imaging tests a doctor performs to examine your esophagus. Based on these tests, he/ she decides which treatment option is best for you.

  2. Cutting down on harmful habits like chewing tobacco or smoking. They really increase the complications after the surgery.

  3. Your doctor will inform you about which medicines to avoid before the laparoscopic surgery in Kolkata. You need to check with him/ her about your regular medications so that it does not create any risk later in the surgery. He/ She will also prescribe you certain drugs to take prior to the surgery.

  4. The doctor might ask you to shift to a liquid diet 2-3 days before the surgery so that your esophagus remains clear, for easy removal.

Minimally invasive esophagectomy is proving to be an effective option for treating early stage esophageal conditions. It is favoured over the traditional open surgery and ensures speedy recovery. The technique is ideal for elderly patients and patients with lifestyle diseases. It reduces their risk of complications and assures a better and healthier routine.